Monday, November 5, 2018

8 Easy Ways Mothers Can Deal With Post-Divorce Stress · Divorced Moms

Mothers Can Deal With Post-Divorce Stress


Divorce can bring many horrors with it like stress, depression, and anxiety. Research has shown that divorce takes its toll more on women than men. In this article, we will highlight ten simple and easy ways that can be used to relieve stress for divorced moms.

10 Easy Ways to Mothers Can Deal With Post-Divorce Stress:

Get a Massage

Massage is really helpful when it comes to counter any type of stress. Stress after divorce can cause anxiety, depression, and headache. A simple neck massage, shoulder therapy, pressing your eyes and rubbing your feet can induce the production of serotonin and other endorphins from your brain. These chemicals are your body’s natural defense against stress. They also help you sleep peacefully and keep your focus during your waking hours.

Have a Support Group

Sharing your feelings with those who love and care about you is one way to lessen the stress of negative feelings. The fear of being judged may stop you from sharing with your friends and family, though. This fear can lead to a build-up of stress.

Physiatrists believe joining a support group is very helpful when it comes to dealing with divorce-related stress. Support group helps you speak up and share your experience without the fear of being judged. When everyone around you is living their own adversity and you listen to their stories, it gives you the courage to face your situation with a brave heart.


Exercise is a great way to deal with any kind of stress. Exercise not only diverts your mind from a certain situation, but it also provides you with an alternate channel to let out your anxiety and anger. Exercise also results in the release of feel-good chemicals in your body which helps reduce stress. Apart from keeping you physically fit, exercise elevates your mood as well and helps you deal with stressful situations is a clear and focused way.

Take Care of Your Emotional Needs

Divorce is a time when you are extremely emotional. Being a divorced mom, there are many things on your mind. All of these things create an emotional strain. You need to make sure that you take time for your emotional needs.

Make sure you have time with friends reconnect and enjoy each other’s company. Take time away from your children so you can have freedom to spend an afternoon or evening alone and simply relaxing.  It’s important that you take part in activities that will help you recharge emotionally.

Try to Have a Positive Attitude

Divorce can skew your outlook towards life. Negativity can seep in from all around. It’s important that you don’t’ lose hope in the future. That you are able to look forward with hope and not focus on what you’ve lost instead of the possible good to come. Adversity is always temporary! Stressful times can trick your mind into believing it will never end but, think back about other times of adversity and you’ll become aware of the very real fact that life is not one long and never-ending period of sadness.

Having a positive attitude helps you work your way out of the adversity even quicker.

Be Honest with Yourself and Let Go

You need to be honest with yourself about why your divorce happened in first place. Acknowledging what happened and accepting it is huge when it comes to moving on after divorce. Remind yourself that it is better to walk away from a toxic relationship that is doing you no good. If you are still stuck in the past, then it will be difficult for you to start a new relationship with a fresh mind and heart.

Avoid Conflicts with Your Ex

Try as much as you can to settle all the matters with your ex amicably. Conflicts with your ex will bring stress and anxiety to your life. Settle financial matters and responsibilities related to your children peacefully. Being able to have a civil relationship with your ex after the divorce will go a long way in keeping down stress in your life.

Manage your Finances

When you get divorced and become a single mom, your financial needs will change. If you fail to manage your finances properly, it will cause a lot of stress. You need to make sure that you keep a strict check on your spending and budget your finances realistically.

There are thousands of women who have successfully dealt with post-divorce stress and are now in healthy relationships or new rewarding lives. Never give up on your life and relations because you had one bad experience.

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